The hiring out of cars, whether it be to drivers who are unable to race their own cars for reasons of damage or mechanical failure, or to novices taking their first step towards buying and racing a car of their own, is not a new phenomenon within the sport of Formula 1 Stock Car Racing. In fact most of the drivers who currently race on a regular basis drove their first few tentative laps in cars hired or loaned to them on a meeting by meeting basis.As the sport has progressed over the years so have the expectations of newcomers to the sport, and it is for this reason that the Live the Dream fleet of self drive cars offers the same exacting specifications as found in cars owned and driven soley by their owners. These top-flight cars are not restricted to use by hirers only. They are also raced by two of the company's directors, both of whom are star grade drivers. Our arrive and drive package means just that! All that the hirer has to do, other than be in possession of a current licence to drive a Formula one Stock Car, is to turn up on the day and race. We provide the car, the necessary clothing, the equipment and the back up crew. Depending on the meeting format and damage permitting a hirer should get to race in at least three out of the four races. Because of the speed of the cars and the power of the mighty V8 engines, producing from 450bhp to a whopping 680bhp, it is no longer possible to obtain a BriSCA Formula 1Competition licence without offering some kind of proof of ability. Normally this would be experience in a lesser formula or a certificate of competence from the Live the Dream F1 driving school. Most hiring is restricted to racing on Tarmac, although in 2001 we will be looking at hiring more on shale to drivers who have had previous racing experience in other formulas. There are two ways in which we cost out the arrive and drive package on tarmac. The first is a deal whereby the hirer pays £350 + start money as paid out by the promoter, but with the hirer paying for any damage to shock absorbers, wheels, tyres and axles. A Bond of £200 is required if this option is chosen. The second option is an all-inclusive charge of £500. On shale the charge for hiring is £500 plus a £100 bond for damage. With both options the driver retains any prize monies that he or she might earn, and they also receive one free pass for admission to the meeting in question.
The Live the Dream self-drive hire scheme has been a great success for Formula 1 Stock Car Racing. It has given people a great insight into how difficult these cars are to drive at speed and makes them realise just how talented the top drivers are. Live the Dream has also provided more drivers coming into the sport with at least one hire driver at every tarmac meeting throughout season 2000. The one thing that we are very proud of is that many of the drivers who have raced our cars have gained points and prize money, showing just how competitive our cars are. The driving school has produced several drivers who have hired cars for more than one meeting, Mike Dugdale, Jim Hannon, Alan Harwood, Rob Williams, Darren Ahern, John Walker, Jamie Gibson, Rob Dickens, Darren Clarke, Lee Henshaw and Dean Whitwell all hired cars from us on a regular basis. Mike Dugdale won the novice of the year race using one of our cars.
The driving school has also produced several drivers who have hired cars from us and then they have gone on to buy their own cars.
70 John Walker was the first and he is now a regular although he limits his racing to shale.
Rob Williams is now racing on a regular basis on tarmac.
Dean Whitwell, Lee Henshaw and Alan Harwood will be making their debuts in their own cars in 2001.